Our SEND Support
The Ark Pre-school is a fully inclusive preschool and we welcome ALL children between the ages of 2 and 5 years including those with SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities) whether or not they have an existing Education and Healthcare Plan.
We strive to provide an environment that best meets the needs of ALL children.
Our Early Years SENCo is Leanne Houston with SENCo support from Antzela Gkogka. We ensure where possible we adapt and make reasonable adjustments when necessary in accordance with statutory requirements.
The SEND Code of Practice can be accessed by visiting www.bromley.gov.uk/sendcodeof practice2015.
All staff complete various training to keep up to date with relevant information. We regularly review and reflect upon our policies, practice and provision. Our policies can be accessed via our website.
At The Ark we strive to ensure that EVERY child reaches their full potential and achieves the best possible outcomes. We follow a ‘graduated approach’ which is a continual cycle of Assess, Plan, Do and Review. Where necessary we ensure that early interventions are put in place to support children where a Special Educational Need is identified.
We work in partnership with other professionals, specialists within the Local Authority and outside agencies where necessary to ensure EVERY child and their families receive the support they need. Outside specialists may include The Bromley Children’s Project, Speech and Language therapists, Occupational Health therapists, Portage, Health Visitors, etc. When an agency or specialist have been involved with the family before the child starts preschool they will support the child with the transition and work closely with us so that the child has the best possible start. When the child moves to another setting such as primary school, the practitioners at The Ark will also support the child with their next transition and liaise with staff at the next setting before the child leaves us. We ensure that parents are fully involved with any decision making at all times and keep the child’s needs at the centre of our mind throughout.
Support and information can be accessed via https://www.bromley.gov.uk/children-young-adults-disabilities-learning-needs.
Please do not hesitate to speak to our Sencos, named above, at any time should you have any concerns, queries or questions relating to SEND. We will always endeavour to help to the best of our abilities.
Information on support for parents of a child with an autistic spectrum condition can be found at